句型一 1、所有年代所有的智慧,数百年来让人津津乐道的所有事,都能轻易看到,花费也不高,一切藏于书卷中。可是我们必须知道怎样利用这种财富,而且是充分利用。 All the wisdom of all ages, all the stories that have be lighted mankind for century are easily and cheaply available of us within the covers of books. But we must know how to avail of this treasure and how get the most from it. 2、若想让读书有趣,你必须希望书中有乐趣。 Reading can only be fun if you expected to be. 3、你读啊读,终于变得更高尚、聪颖、善良,或者更温柔。你说读书还是苦差使吗? If you become, as a result of reading, better wisdom, , or more gentle. You must have suffered during the process. 4、大路大约有12英尺宽,可是它越来越窄,因为每走几码,就有小摊,这些小摊摆着各式各样的商品招揽顾客。 The roadway is about 12 feet wide, but is narrowed every few yards by little stores , where goods of very conceivable kind are sold. 5、这里十分热闹嘈杂,摊贩不停的叫卖声,驴子的嘶咛声和搬运工大声吆喝着的人们让路,要买不买拿不住主意的顾客,争长论短,讨价还价,如此嘈杂之声不绝于耳,真让人眼花头晕。 The din of store-holder crying their warns, of donkeys and porters clearing away from themselves by shouting vigorously and would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining is continuous makes you dizzy. 6、生产原料和日常消费品不端从大陆运送过来,有庞大的国内市场做后盾,澳门渴望进一步发展与大陆的经贸关系,也给澳门本身的经济发展创造良机。 With the continuous supply of production material and goods for everyday consumption from mainland areas and the backing of the huge domestic market, Macao can improve development with economy and trading relationship,and creat more changing for local economy development. 7、首任行政长官于5月15日选出。 The first chief executive was elected by the selection committee on May 15. 8、何厚铧,44岁,银行家,就得澳门行政长官的殊荣。 He Houhua , a 44-year-old banker won Macao’s top post in the election. 9、这标志着澳门历史的新纪元,因为澳门的总督是由葡萄牙“进口”的,这种“进口”历时400年。 This marked a new era in Macao’s history because governor of Macao had been set from Portugal for the past 400 years. 10、新推选出的澳门首任行政长官,号召葡萄牙的豪门政府发展与中国的合作关系,这样一来,双方就可以扫除障碍,主要是澳门确定公务员转为当地公民的日程、法律体系的修订、汉语地位的提高等方面的障碍。 The newly elected first chief executive called on the Portuguese-Macao government to set up cooperation with China, so that both sides can remove obstacles ----regarding the timing of the localization of Macao’s civil servants, the legal system and the raisy of official status of Chinese language. 11、澳门人民真诚的希望葡萄牙方面继续与中国方面友好合作,促使各种问题顺利解决,实现政权的顺利交接。 Macao people sincerely hope that the Portugal side will continue to cooperate with Chinese side in a friendly way and promote the satisfactory resolution of all issue relating to the transfer of power and smooth transition. 12、书中的人物形形色色,有未来2万年后的科幻超人,有历史上的人文祖先;故事情节也是种类繁多,有福尔摩斯的精彩案情分析,有科学发现,有儿童教育,应有尽有。 Who in the book include every from science fiction super man 200,00 centuries in the future, to first all the way figle people back to history; how covers everything from the ingenious explainations of Sherlock to discovery of science and ways of teaching manners to children. 13、你的经历和作者的经历一比较,就使你得到一样或者不一样的结论,而你的思想可以随着你对作品的理解而发展成熟。 Your experience, compared with the author, brings you to the same or different conclusion and your ideas develop as you understand this.